Map Backed Property Mapping

Map to Map

Dozer will map a java.util.Map to a java.util.Map. If there are complex types with hints it will do deep recursion mapping as well. If the destination map exists it will add elements to the existing map.


Mapping Field Level Properties to a java.util.Map or a Custom Map with unique Get/Set methods

Dozer supports mapping map backed properties at the field level. The map can either implement the java.util.Map Interface or be a custom map with a set of unique Get/Set methods.

In this example Field A is a basic String and it is mapped to Field B which is a HashMap. The key in the HashMap will be "stringProperty" (the attribute name) and the value will be whatever value is stored in that attribute.


This example shows Field A is a basic String and it is mapped to Field B which is a HashMap. The key in the HashMap will be "myStringProperty" and the value will be whatever value is stored in that attribute. Also notice that Field A has a unique setter() method name.

        <a set-method="addStringProperty2">stringProperty2</a>
        <b key="myStringProperty">hashMap</b>

This example shows Field A is a basic String and it is mapped to Field B which is a custom map. The key in the custom map will be "myCustomProperty" and the value will be whatever value is stored in that attribute. Notice that Field B has unique map getter() and map setter() method names. If you are using a custom map you must explicitly set the map Get/Set method names. A destination hint can also be provided if your custom map implements an Interface or is an Abstract class.

        <b map-get-method="getValue" map-set-method="putValue" key="myCustomProperty">customMap</b>
        <b map-get-method="getValue" map-set-method="putValue" key="myCustomNullProperty">nullCustomMap</b>
        <b map-get-method="getValue" map-set-method="putValue">customMap</b>

Mapping Class Level Properties to a java.util.Map or a Custom Map with unique Get/Set methods

Dozer can also map entire complex objects directly to a java.util.Map or a custom map object. This example shows the declaration of a mapping between a complex object (PropertyToMap) and a java.util.Map. When doing this you need to explicitly define a unique map-id for the mapping. This is used when determining which map to use at run-time. Every attribute on the PropertyToMap class will be mapped to the java.util.Map. You DO NOT need to explicitly define these mappings. Field exclude mappings can be used to exclude fields at run-time. If the attribute name is not the same as the map key just set the key attribute for a custom field mapping. The mapping to stringProperty2 shows an example of this.

The second example shows how to setup a custom map object. The only difference here is that you need to explicitly define map-set-method and map-get-method values. These correspond to the java.util.Map get() and put() methods.

<mapping map-id="myTestMapping">
        <a set-method="addStringProperty2">stringProperty2</a>
        <b key="myStringProperty">this</b>
<mapping map-id="myCustomTestMapping">
    <class-b map-set-method="putValue" map-get-method="getValue">
        <a set-method="addStringProperty2">stringProperty2</a>
        <b key="myStringProperty">this</b>

The example below shows how to use these mappings. Notice that the field mappings reference a map-id. The first field mapping will use the myTestMapping defined mapping and map accordingly. Same goes with the custom mapping.

    <field map-id="myTestMapping">
    <field map-id="myTestMapping">
    <field map-id="myCustomTestMapping">

The Class Level map backed mappings can also be used as a standard mapping. For this dozer has a new API. In addition to the source and destination classes you can now pass in the map reference Id.

// Example 1
PropertyToMap ptm = new PropertyToMap();
Map map =, HashMap.class, "myTestMapping");

// Example 2
CustomMap customMap =, CustomMap.class, "myCustomTestMapping");

// Example 3
CustomMap custom = new CustomMap();
custom.putValue("myKey", "myValue");, custom, "myCustomTestMapping");

// Example 4 - Map Back
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("stringProperty", "stringPropertyValue");
PropertyToMap property =, PropertyToMap.class, "myTestMapping");
assertEquals("stringPropertyValue", property.getStringProperty());

results matching ""

    No results matching ""